In 1942, during World War II, three Safety Engineers (Charles Swanner, L.C., Picnot, and John F. Imle) informally met together to discuss the possibility of gathering with other representatives in the field of Safety to share information, discuss mutual problems, and in general, to get acquainted with others involved in their line of work. It was not until 1944 that the group decided to form a formal organization and named it the San Antonio Society of Safety Engineers.
There were 18 Charter Members from a variety of industries, municipalities, and military bases. John F. Imle was the first President. Our Chapter has named our Safety Professional of the Year Award after him. The San Antonio Society had three Presidents during the third President’s term, they applied for and obtained a charter as the South Texas Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers. The date of election to Chapter Status was October 5th, 1947. This made it the 37th ASSE Chapter to be Chartered, and the 5th oldest Chapter in the state of Texas.
The Chapter developed an international relationship with Mexico in Monterrey in 1956. Annual joint symposiums were held with Mexico, alternating between San Antonio and Monterrey. Later on some were held in Laredo/Nueva Laredo. Safety information was shared, and Sociedad de Ingenieros y Te’cnicos of Mexico became a Section of the South Texas ASSE Chapter.